Adding Redis

If you check Testcontainers' modules, there is no Redis module (at least not yet ;)):

But it doesn't mean you can't use the library if something is not wrapped with Testcontainers because you can do it yourself thanks to GenericContainer:

But Redis is not JDBC based and we can't just add a property. Yet, the integration is trivial.

Rules? No thanks!

Testcontainers comes with first class support for JUnit, but in our app we want to have a single Redis instance shared between all tests. Luckily, there are .start()/.stop() methods of GenericContainer to start or stop it manually.

Just add a static block to your AbstractIntegrationTest with the following code:

    static {
        GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:3-alpine")

        System.setProperty("", redis.getContainerIpAddress());
        System.setProperty("spring.redis.port", redis.getFirstMappedPort() + "");

Simple, huh?

Run the tests, now they should all pass.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""